National Pastime Theater • June 28-July 27 • 773-327-7077

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Art of the Living Canvas

As soon as the house lights go down and the first of a series of projected images fills the stage, you know immediately that you are in for a mesmerizing experience that will delight your senses. The concept of the Living Canvas begins with the notion that the human body is innately beautiful and made even more remarkable when bathed in rich patterns of light and color. The performers are nude, and their bodies become art as they move gracefully through projected images or subtle patterns of light and shadow that fill the stage. Few spoken words are required here since, like many thought-provoking stories told on stage, the details are more effectively revealed through expressive dance movements and compelling music.

This year's show is titled Living Canvas - Demons and it tells a deeply moving story of a young woman named Lily who is drawn away from the world she knows into the unknown mysteries of another world filled with fanciful creatures and amazing adventures. Her sister tries desperately to bring Lily back, but Lily seems to be more fulfilled and happy in this strange new land and resists her sister's efforts to be reunited. It is a voyage of self-discovery for both young women, and the emotional closing scene will linger in your thoughts long after you leave the theater.

What makes The Living Canvas such a remarkable experience is the fact that the audience is first able to watch this extraordinary symphony of light and music on stage and then have an opportunity to find out what is feels like to be a "living canvas." Audience participation opportunities and question-answer segments with the cast are integral parts of all Living Canvas performances, and the directors of this year's show have devised some exciting new ways to allow the audience to be a part of the experience. Living Canvas - Demons opens at 10:00 pm on Friday, July 2, at the National Pastime Theater. Pete Guither is the Artistic Director for this show and Lisa Adams is the writer and director. More information about the show and this unique artistic concept can be found on The Living Canvas web site.

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